Pediatric Dentistry Treatments

The care for children’s oral health and Pediatric Dentistry Sa Pobla Mallorca, are very important at Ramis-Tauler since our dental record is defined in the first years, that is why it is fundamental to establish good habits as early as possibe. Our best ally is prevention, this way we avoid future problems ans is based on good practices of hygiene and nutrition as well as the consolidation of regular dental revisions as something normal and necessary.

What are the treatments in Pediatric Dentistry at Sa Pobla Mallorca?

Pediatric Dentistry is the specialty that studies the mouths of children and its diseases, and as with any other branch of dentistry, it follows one single philosophy: treat the patient and not the tooth. Our team is accustomed to working with children from a very early age, showing the benefits of oral healthcare and filling the younger ones with confidence. A few of the most common treatments at Sa Pobla Mallorca Pediatric Dentistry are: Jaw position anomalies, dental trauma or decay. Cavities in baby teeth also cause pain and infections, in addition to the possibility of extending into the permanent teeth.

As experts in the prevention at Sa Pobla Mallorca Pediatric Dentistry we carry out decay prevention treatments as well as care for cracked teeth. Furthermore, we teach the kids the best brushing techniques and the basic hygiene habits in a pleasant and fun way. We want to be present throughout the development of your kids, so that we can advise you and improve the oral health for the little ones.

Nuestros odontopediatras (dentista de niños) se encargará de evaluar la salud y la higiene bucodental de los más pequeños realizando labores de prevención y formación de hábitos de higiene en los más pequeños para garantizar una salud futura excelente.

– UNTIL THE AGE OF 3: We check on your kids’ oral hygiene before the first teeth come out. Los tratamientos y temas más importantes a tratar en esta edad son:

  • Higiene dental
  • Desarrollo bucodental
  • Recambio dentario
  • Flúor
  • Lactancia materna
  • Biberón
  • Chupete
  • Succión digital

– PRESCHOOL (3-12 years): We treat possibe orthodontic problems and cavities as well as providing advice on oral hygiene. Los tratamientos y temas más importantes a tratar en esta edad son:

  • Cepillado de los dientes
  • Hábitos saludables para niños
  • Consejos higiene oral
  • Prevención
  • Dientes temporales
  • Fluor
  • Mantenedor de espacio
  • Caries
  • Tratamientos nerviosos
  • Restauración
  • Ortodoncia infantil: ortodoncia con brackets y ortodoncia invisible Invisalign Teen.

– ADOLESCENCE: Confidence and security with a young and beautiful smile. At Ramis-Tauler we are specialists in youth orthodontics offering the best treatments such as Invisalign Teen.


Si estás interesado en recibir más información acerca de este tratamiento, consulta tu caso con nuestro equipo. Éllos podrá hacer una valoración de tu salud bucodental para recomendarte la mejor opción. Si quieres pedir cita en nuestra consulta, llámanos o rellena el formulario y nos pondremos en contacto contigo.

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