Conservative Dentistry Treatment

Conservative dentistry aims to maintain the mouth and the teeth healthy the most time possible. It consists of what we know as fillings or seals Sa Pobla Mallorca and root canals. Our philosophy as a dental clinic in Mallorca is largely conservative and we strive to maintain the teeth of our patients, since we believe that the best option is to keep the denture and to take care of it.

A smile that will last you a lifetime with the Sa Pobla Mallorca fillings

Conservative dentistry is the technique in which the mouth is treated without the extraction of the damaged tooth which is used for the restoration of the parts that are damaged by cavities and other conditions, cleaning and treating the damaged tissue without affecting the remaining part of the tooth, later on, the treated part is sealed with the use of seals or fillings Sa Pobla Mallorca.

The Sa Pobla Mallorca fillings are a suited to correct the cavities in the initial phase when it affects the hard tissue of the the tooth and has not yet reach the nerve. With this usual procedure, the afected area is cleaned leaving an anatomical cavity which will later be filled with the so-called «composite» that has the same color of the tooth, a solution both practical and aesthetical.

In addition to the Sa Pobla Mallorca fillings, the preventive dentistry is a part of the conservative dentistry which reduces the need for dental treatments on both the mid and long term by means of sealing cracks or more complex fillings and root canals.

Other Conservative Dentistry treatments

Conservative and preventive dentistry are both suitable for any person who wishes to do a periodic inspection of his oral health and needs to treat small ailments with minimal intervention (decay, trauma, etc). We perform aesthetic lithium disilicate or composite inlays, of the best quality for the most natural result posible.

The placement of bridges and crowns is also part of the conservative dentistry, these are aesthetic prosthesis (without hooks) fixed on the teeth or implants. Crowns are used to cover and strengthen a damaged tooth, fractured or with changes in color. They are also used in teeth that underwent a root canal operation, in order to place a bridge and to cover and implant.

The fixed prosthesis can be made of metal-ceramic. zirconium or ceramic. When the teeth are cut, we will have to get a mold done which is taken to a laboratory, in the meantime we will put a provisional prosthesis in order to protect the teeth but also for aesthetical reasons.

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